Thanks to advances in technology and improvements overall to the N51 SULEV make it hardly distinguishable from the N52 in many respects. A SULEV engine is built to help BMW meet increasingly strict emissions standards and to ensure enough of its range can do so to avoid the issuance of hefty government fines.
There were key visual indicators, particularly on the valve covers. You can check the above-described label under the hood should you want to confirm. In this long number, digits 4 through 8 indicate the engine type and features. Christopher "Emmy" Jackson has been an automotive writer since His self-syndicated auto column appears weekly in print and online, and his work has appeared in "Grassroots Motorsports," "AutoWeek" and "African-Americans on Wheels.
Do not depend on BMW warranty unless you are a good attorney. They call it the cylinder head cover gasket. SULEV too expensive to buy used, avoid.
BMW got nice tax credit for selling you one but does not honor warranties. DavidLL answered 4 years ago. Needed to replace coils, plugs, head gasket also needed valve adjustment.
Repairs cost more than the car is worth, did not cost me a penny. Not all states honor this warranty. I live in NY which does, Google it and find out. Khatchig answered 4 years ago. It's at the dealer now under the 15 year K warranty for catalytic converters and valve cover getting all replaced for free. I should have found out about this warranty earlier and saved on repairs for replacing coils, and cam position sensor Bottom line For a long term hold on the car this coverage is well worth it.
I'd like to know too. However, these things gotta lack in performance right? I'd like to know more about the positives, if any, of a SULEV other than the obv lower gas costs and , miles warranties. Went I think of performance and super emissions I think of the current Any good things about these???
Thanks in advance Bryan 08' xi Coupe 04' i. GuruDM answered 4 years ago. You should be able to get a refund from the dealer if the dealer did the repair.
Lisabeast1 answered 3 years ago. I have a bmw i. I live in New Jersey. If you are in Nj near the shore go to circle BMW and see svc mgr. Bob Datri. BMW 3 Series. BMW 4 Series. BMW 5 Series. BMW 6 Series. BMW 7 Series. BMW 8 Series. BMW Classics. BMW X Series. BMW Z Series.