A rod is a long slender pole used for angling. Gaelic languages Palatalized. Origin of slender. Middle English sclendre, slendre. More at slide , slither. Slender Sentence Examples. It is so slender and long.
The extracted worms were whitish, slender , cylindrical with tapered ends, consistent with nematodes and highly motile. From the Cambridge English Corpus.
When first transmitted to a mammal, trypanosomes have a long, slender morphology and these forms are not infectious to the tsetse. A committed slender cell undergoes about 5 divisions before exiting the cell-cycle. The full-figured woman's backside is the focus of attention, while the slender woman is presented frontally.
Admirably, the slender volume does not provide easy answers, nor does it present ethical questions in an either-or dichotomy. Trypanosomes are able to regulate their own density by slender to stumpy cell differentiation when their density passes a critical threshold.
Although in the experiments, slender , intermediate and stumpy cells were counted, we choose to include intermediate cells in the stumpy class.
There appear to be two mechanisms that can induce slender cell differentiation. The lobes of the ninth tergite in breinli are longer and more slender and bear more hairs fig. The mesosome has a slender , smooth, blunt-tipped, long projection and a short pointed one fig. The dentary is long and slender and is dorsoventrally tallest at its caudal margin.
Following these, there are nine pairs of thin and slender ribs, of which the six posteriormost attach on the haemal arches and spines. The equations governing the evolution of a slender inviscid drop in an axisymmetric flow are derived in the following section. The chapter on slender wing methods and their application to unsteady flow problems is fairly comprehensive and is a most valuable part of the monograph.
See all examples of slender. The individual prisms are usually slender , with one beveled, wedge-like end, but are sometimes needle-like. New Word List Word List. Save This Word! See synonyms for slender on Thesaurus. See antonyms for slender on Thesaurus. We could talk until we're blue in the face about this quiz on words for the color "blue," but we think you should take the quiz and find out if you're a whiz at these colorful terms.
Origin of slender First recorded in —50; Middle English slendre, sclendre; origin unknown. Slender, slight, slim imply a tendency toward thinness. A few players thought it would be fun to represent this character in the game, and it eventually caught on when YouTubers, such as PinkAnt and GoingLimited, created videos that focused on this new trend. Kang Sae-byeok is Squid Game's best character, but the show as whole struggles to know what to do with women.
She enjoys playing a wide variety of video games and spending time with her husband and son when she's not writing. What Is A Slender? Share Share Tweet Email. Related Topics Guides Roblox.