Bergman 6 comments. Bergmann 2 comments. Berkaniene 2 comments. Berkman 7 comments. Berkmann 0 comments. Berknian 1 comments. Borgman 0 comments. Borgmann 0 comments. Brachman 2 comments. Brackman 1 comments. Brauchmann 1 comments. Bregman 2 comments. Brekman 1 comments. Brickman 1 comments. Bricman 2 comments. Brigman 2 comments. Brikman 4 comments. Keep reading to find the user submitted meanings, dictionary definitions, and more.
Ingrid Bergman was an actress. She has been prominent since Ingrid was born on August 29th, in Stockholm. She breathed her last breath on August 29th, Ingmar Bergman was a film director, producer, and screenwriter. His most notable accomplishments were from to He breathed his last breath on July 30th, Mary Kay Bergman was a voice actress and voice-over teacher. She was most prominent from to Mary is also known as Shannen Cassidy. She left this life on November 11th, Jaime Bergman is a model, actress, and actor.
Jaime is also known as Jaime Boreanaz. Sandahl Bergman is an actress, dancer, stuntwoman, actor, dance, and stunt performer. She was most active from to Alan Reed was an actor. He was most prominent from to He breathed his last breath on June 14th, Interest is based how many people viewed this name from each country and is scaled based on the total views by each country so that large countries do not always show the most interest.
Darker blue on the map indicates that people in the country are more likely to search for this name. Longer bars in the bar graph indicate that people in the country are more interested in the name.
Not all countries that have shown an interest in the name are listed in the bar graph. He ran the Bergman stage station for the Banning and Tomlinson Stage lines and served as the postmaster for several years.
He resided at the ranch until his death in when the place became known simply as Bergman. A house beside the road, A friend to man. Dutch Bergman and His Football Record. Arthur Bergman was one of three Bergman brothers to attend Notre Dame University in Indiana and excel is sports there.
Arthur, who went by the nickname, Little Dutch, earned four monograms, three in football and one in track. He played right halfback for Notre Dame in and Bergman served as the head football coach at Mexico State University from to [ and at The Catholic University of America from to He left the University when the sport was discontinued in because of World War Two. Bergman afterwards worked as a pro football scout, sports writer, mining engineer and government official.
A Bergman Christmas in Milwaukee. His Bergman family were active members of what was officially known as the Swedish Congregational Church of Milwaukee, but was in reality a forerunner of what was later known as the Mission Friends among local Swedes. As the youngest child in the Bergman household, Reuben had delightful memories of the Juletide season. Reuben recalled such incidents as the Christmas Eve dinner in his boyhood home, carried out with the traditional menu from the Old Country: brown beans, herring, cheeses, rice pudding and meat balls etc.
Imagine what it will do to my stomach! Following dinner, the Bergmans sang the usual Swedish Christmas hymns and exchanged and enjoyed gifts, prior to retiring fairly early due to the need to attend the Julotta service at the Mission Friends church which began at a.
The trip from the Bergman home on N. Oakland Avenue, on the east side, to the church on Scott Street was by street car, no matter how infrequently they ran at that hour, accompanied by the usual snow and freezing cold. In David Bergman was interviewed about his experiences in German concentration camps.
He was just thirteen in when his town in Czechoslovakia was occupied by the Germans and he was sent to Auschwitz. He was among the three of people in a cattle car who survived a transport to Dachau and he was then placed on a train to Innsbruck just three days before the Americans arrived in Dachau. He was liberated after having been sent on a death march from Innsbruck to the front line of conflict between US and German troops. He went into an American hospital to rehabilitate and then traveled back to his old family home which he found occupied by a Russian family.
Discovering that everyone in his family except him had perished, he immigrated to the United States, settling in Cleveland. In The United States Bergman is most frequent in: Ohio, where 5 percent reside, Illinois, where 5 percent reside and Florida, where 5 percent reside. Apart from The United States Bergman is found in countries. It also occurs in Sweden, where 26 percent reside and The Netherlands, where 6 percent reside. The frequency of Bergman has changed over time.
In The United States the number of people who held the Bergman last name increased 1, percent between and ; in England it increased percent between and ; in Scotland it increased 1, percent between and and in Ireland it decreased 67 percent between and In The United States those holding the Bergman surname are The amount Bergman earn in different countries varies significantly.
In Norway they earn 7. By signing up to the mailing list you will only receive emails specifically about name reference on Forebears and your information will not be distributed to 3rd parties. Names Forenames.