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Vietnam War. The law also provided criminal and civil penalties for people convicted of private conspiracies—such as those perpetrated by the KKK—intended to deny others their civil rights. Hugo L. Black is remembered as a distinguished U. Supreme Court justice, a progressive U. Senator, and an able trial attorney. Public disclosure of this fact came shortly after his appointment to the Supreme Court was confirmed by the Senate in The resulting public uproar would probably have doomed his Court appointment if the disclosure had come just a few weeks earlier.
In Black was a trial attorney in Birmingham, Alabama, which at the time was controlled by members of the Klan. The Klan was established in in Tennessee, after the civil war ended. The founder was Nathan Bed Forrest, a soldier from the south. The 'klan' comes from the fact that many of the original members were of Scots or Irish descent. As for the "clan" reference that, my dear sir, is completely wrong.
Most of the Irish and Scots in this country settled far north of the southern Bible Belt, which is full of English ancestored Baptists.
I don't know the name of the story but it did concern a Klansman operating in England and Holmes offered this explanation to Watson. Given that the Sherlock Holmes stories were written roughly contemporaneously with the formation of the Klan, this account surely has a great deal of veracity. A secret society dedicated to the supremacy of white people in the United States. It began in the South during the time of Reconstruction and attempted to terrorize the many southern blacks and carpetbaggers who had replaced white southerners in positions of power.
The Klan gained renewed strength in the s and again in the s but is now very diminished. Klansmen wear white hoods and robes. New Word List Word List. Save This Word!