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What is IF Function in Excel? It is often used to make logical interpretations which help in decision-making. The condition can be a value or a logical expression. What is the IF function in Excel? How to use the IF Excel function with multiple conditions? Leave a Reply Cancel reply Your email address will not be published. Please select the batch. Cookies help us provide, protect and improve our products and services. The IF function checks whether a condition is met, and returns one value if true and another value if false.
Explanation: if the price is greater than , the IF function returns High, else it returns Low. You can use the IF function to display an empty string if the end value hasn't been entered yet see row 5.
Explanation: if the end value is not empty means not equal to , the IF function calculates the progress between the start and end value, else it displays an empty string two double quotes with nothing in between. The IF function in Excel can be nested, when you have multiple conditions to meet. Each IF statement needs to be carefully "nested" inside another so that the logic is correct.
Up to 64 IF functions can be nested. For example, to return "OK" when A1 is between 7 and 10, you can use a formula like this:. Translation: if A1 is greater than 7 and less than 10, return "OK".
Otherwise, return nothing "". Criteria can be applied to dates, numbers, and text. The Excel AND function is a logical function used to require more than one condition at the same time. The OR function is a logical function to test multiple conditions at the same time.
The OR function can be used as the logical test inside the Skip to main content. Excel IF Function. Return value. Excel Usage notes. IF formula examples. If cell is greater than. If you want to do something specific when a cell value is greater than a certain value, you can use the IF function to test the value, and do one thing if the result is TRUE, and optionally do another thing if the Get earliest and latest project dates.
Make words plural. In this example, the goal is to make a noun plural when the number of items is greater than one.