I'll figure them out asap. The card is right on the cabin once you're out where the Japanese got you. Video is temporarily not available but refer to the pictures and leave a comment if you have any questions. When you arrive at this bunker, go to the right side of the front door, the death card is right hidden in the grass. It would be a little bit tricky, but be patient.
The very first Bar maybe the only one you break into with Reznov. It's on the second stable in the house where a tank blew the door and came out.
Heading your way to the trench exit, there is a slop on your left leading to a mortar pit. Go in the trench there look out of the fixed machine gun, the death card is on the left. Once you're almost reach the last cave of the Japanese army, pay attention to a corridor in your left.
NO Death Card available in this Level as it's a tank battle. It's located in a corner of the garden. When you're almost there to where you're required to blow the bunkers, you see a Japanese solider body lying down on the stone. The card is next to him. There's a house near the second mortar pit. In the very beginning of the game, turn left and you will see an abandoned tube entrance. In the second floor you will see 2 soldiers breaking in and firing at an empty room.
After they leave, you can enter and find the card. A Japanese soldier hanging upside down is near the card. Mission: " Breaking Point " Three of Diamonds. Location: Clear all four mortar pits, then go to the small shack in the south of this area. The card is inside. Trivia: When berserk, the player is invincible for the short time berserker lasts, but only a knife can be used while in it. Mission: " Heart of the Reich " Six of Clubs. Location: The card is in the closed-off subway entrance on the left side of the street at the start of the mission.
Mission: " Downfall " Two of Spades. Location: Before you get to the theater, some of your allies will break through a door to your right. The card is past that door. Call of Duty Wiki Explore. Cold War.
Weapons in Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Head up the hill now, jump over the log, and you can flank a few enemy soldiers. Your squad will join you,. Run down into the trench to use its wall for cover at the earliest opportunity. Follow the tanks as.
You need to fight your way into the cave at the far end of the area. Use the sandbags as cover to push into the. Head on through the narrow cave with the biggest and noisiest gun you can to keep the enemy suppressed.
Once it opens up into a larger room, get behind the first row of cover and pick of f the targets. Take the left hand p at h as the caves narrow again, stopping to turn right into the hallway half-way to get the De at h. Return to the corridor and fight your way through until it widens once more. Take cover with the squad at the. Clear the enemies of f the artillery guns and.
This mission is entirely vehicular, very short, and generally is just a dash to the objective trigger points. On your tank you have both a flamethrower and an explosive shell turret. Move up the p at h and flame the soldiers in the road. Shoot the tank th at appears on the right with two direct shells, as well as the artillery up on the hill on the left to.
Take out or run away from any tanks, depending on their proximity to you. Destroy the. As you round the corner back on the road one will have been hiding, so. Follow the markers on your map, all the while w at ching the damage indic at or in the bottom right hand corner. Once you reach the military base, deal with any close tanks and flee round the corner of the base from the rest.
Turn around and head along the p at h out away from the base. B at tle your way past the legions of tanks, again, don't stop for anything. Drive to the left of the large building with.
Ignore the quantity of. You can fire perfectly well while moving and should tre at this level more as a race than a shooting section. Once you get to the end, hit the final objective and you'll be mercifully transported out of the carnage to the. A movie demonstr at ing how to com plete this level using the tactics above now follows:. Following the tank-based push into German territory, we are now part of a ground at tack into the heart of Germany.
Disembark from the carriage of the train and follow the squad up the bank. As the artillery rains down on the. Once it stops,. Take cover against the outside wall, as being any. Once the tanks, artillery and your own fire take out the initial thre at s, move up to the couch in the middle of the ruin. The furniture doesn't take grenades too well, so if any land near you, make sure you're fully. Once the gunfire has been subdued a little, jump over the couch and cover. Clear the area in front and, once the objective flashes up telling you to.
TIP: As soon as you enter this building your team will move up, so it's not a bad tactic to get in there even when the. Crouch near the top of the stairs to cover from the enemies in the windows outside and pick them of f to make the. Use it to remove all the machine-gunners and Panzershreck soldiers you can. There is also a Panzershreck you can use yourself leaning against one of the windows. The vast majority of the. Once the objective is com pleted, head. Cross the street with your squadm at es and enter the building you.
Move through the corridors you shouldn't meet any. Descend the stairs to emerge back on street-level. As a fellow-Russian executes some Germans a tank will com e trundling indiscreetly over the top of them and cre at e. Our task is to break into 'The Asylum'. Take cover behind the.
Take out the Panzershreck soldiers on top of the Asylum building as well as any enemies within range. Your squad. Use the stairs of the next house. You can climb the stairs and enter the building for even better cover. Continue to move towards the building on the.
Once you reach the aforementioned building, bear left to look at the Asylum. Ignore the p at h going. Look over it to get a. Use Molotovs and grenades to thin out the enemy and then pick of f the rest with a rifle.
Once your allies move up,. The card is just over the other. Move through the rubble on the right r at her than the arch to enter the Asylum. Hop over the barricade in the middle.
Once you com e to the stairs you can pick up a shotgun halfway up, or ignore it. TIP: The double-barrelled shotgun is gre at fun, but is one of the weakest weapons in the game on higher difficulties. As Reznov and the others take cover carefully outside a room with an overturned b at h inside the door, lob a grenade.
Stay in cover though, or you won't last long. Continue to spam the room with grenades, but get in the left corner of the first section of the room and pick of f.
By sprinting back over to the right you should be able to pick up nearly. Once you are able to safely round the corner and shotgun or otherwise obliter at e the last few enemies, move into the.
Head left upon entering and mount the machine gun there. Mow down the Nazis th at will insist on. Move around the top floor and clear any. Head along the left side of the balcony and through the hole in the wall when.
Follow the corridor until you get to a sandbagged machine gun emplacement. Take out the gunner with. Now you can shotgun and Molotov all those. You have to be brave, but this is the best way to take out those at the gun emplacement.
Go back out and through the corridor to the right with this area clear. Follow it round as it bends behind the. Keep pushing forwards and you will com e to be outside the. The most serious thre at s are in the windows of the buildings around the street. C at ch up with the tanks as the road. The Nazi army is on its last legs and down to the last soldiers defending Berlin. Th at 's not to say it's going to be an. Head down the w at er-logged corridor to meet Reznov.
Follow him to see some fellow Russians terrorising a Nazi. Follow them out, across the ro of and then back inside the building. Go down the staircase and through the. Take cover yourself behind the se at in the middle of. Lob a couple of grenades in there to flush them out and then pick them of f. You should be able to move in fairly.
W at ch out as you round the next corner however, as there are Nazis st at ioned in the. Head down the stairs cautiously, taking out the enemies on the way.
At the bottom, fire to the right through the hole and into the room beyond to elimin at e the first few targets. Take out as many of the. Germans at the other end of the room as you can, before moving up on the right, through the doorway, to partially. There are very few ranged weapons on this level, so take your time to search any bodies for a rifle. TIP: By taking the De at h Card route through the gap in the ceiling, you com e out on the ground floor of the.
From here, you can go into one of the corridors leading of f and miss all the Nazis in the horrible. If you don't fancy the De at h Card route and want to kill all the enemies yourself, stay on the upper level as it opens. There are enemies with Panzershrecks st at ioned directly. Here, the explosives will not kill you throw back any grenades , and you can edge out and pick of f the. Once your team move forwards and the enemies on the opposite balcony have been taken out, move across the top.
Pass by it and enter the one next to it, the farthest to the left and in the corner of the room. Move down to. Head down the steps where you shouldn't see any enemies to meet up with Reznov. Once the area darkens, crouch. Once you get to the flaming wall on the. They'll run. Once they run of f or are killed, continue to follow.
When you get to some steps, make sure the left entrance is clear before crossing into the door ahead. In the next room use the set of windows to clear the area outside.
There are a lot of Germans in not-very-good cover,. Vault directly out of one of the windows and into the small piece. Clear any remaining enemies in the room and move through stealthily; you should be. The next room is much harder to break into. Enemies are positioned in the windows so you have to use at trition.
Use a rifle and hit them one at a time until the room is clear for entry. Push up to the windows and then around the corner through the derelict part of the building. Shooting anyone in. We have now flanked the enemy, so lob a grenade at the.
Finishing of f the rest shouldn't be difficult with their at tention diverted elsewhere. Sprint down into the street and. Make sure you are facing left in rel at ion to the building we just exited as th at is where the. Fight along the street, using the tanks to draw enemy fire and then picking them of f in the windows. Move up using the sandbag points on the right hand side as the squad push up with.
TIP: Hang back from entering the square until the tank takes out the machine gunners or you will be taken out. Ignore the advice to stand next to the tank when it flashes up on screen too, as it will shortly be destroyed. Head past the smoking tank and you will com e upon the entrance to the Metro. Feel free to execute the Germans in.
With th at , rockets will begin hurtling down, so enter the Metro system yourself. Move through the corridors, across the walkway over the pl at form and down the other side. Eventually you will. Stay on the left-hand pl at form and move up,. When the lights go of f you can feel free to carry on as normal, despite Reznov's fears. When you get to the doorway on the left, enter it and clear the room. This will give you an easy flank of any enemies.
Bear in mind also th at another Russian team is moving up on the right hand pl at form. The Germans th at. You will soon get to a barbed-wire barricade just ahead of a train carriage, com plete with mounted machine gun. Take it out, and then you need to switch sides and join up with your friends on the right using the concrete slope.
Use the same tactics as before to move up and take out. Enemies will be triggered to appear as you move up. TIP: A good tactic is to move up and trigger the enemies, then drop back into better cover. There are more carriages and side-rooms to the left and right as you move further on, so make sure you check all. Follow your squad into the carriage once the dead end in the tunnel is reached. Assist them in clearing the area immedi at ely after it. Go and wait near but not too near the barricade, as enemies.
Use the central item of rubble for the best cover, and at tack the enemy until the. Now com es the only mission where we play as Petty Officer Locke. This is the second and final vehicular mission in. We need to destroy the Japanese merchant ships as well as the PT Bo at s protecting them. Push the action button to. Switch to the bow turret and take out the bo at s below.
There should be three large bo at s the merchant. They will fire at you, so make sure you. Switch to the ventral bottom turret as you fly overhead and are prompted to do so to get some more hits on them. This is the perfect opportunity to take them out, as you are directly above them and can deal some real damage. Focus on hitting the main deck of the ship. Move to the right turret when prompted and keep the fire com ing. Move to the left turret to do the same on the other side. Once you're back on the right, focus on taking out the.
Back on the bow you should now be able to finish them of f. Your craft receives a distress call from the friendly fleet. We need to head in and deal with some Japanese planes th at. There are too many to make a real impact on, but just try and blanket them with fire to take out.
TIP: Firing a few metres in front of each plane allows time for the shots to reach them accur at ely. After the initial moment of quiet, they will turn to at tack you. Try to land as many vital hits on the front craft as. Our allied plane is shot down, but at least the Zeros are gone for now. The team are making an impromptu landing.
Once you near the w at er, the enemy fighters begin at tacking. Press the action button when prompted to rescue any survivors th at manage to. Keeping yourself alive should still be the priority however.
PT Bo at s will com e in to try and disrupt the rescue oper at ion, so make sure you take them out as quickly as possible. Switch turrets when prompted and keep the process going. Follow your squad through the grass and rocks until the Banzai soldiers jump up and lob a grenade at you. TIP: A good tactic is to use the flamethrower to burn the grass so enemies cannot hide in it, and to allow you to stay. If you stay on the right hand side of the area you won't get lost and it will also give you protection from th at side.
Use your machine-gun to take out the enemies firing at you from the rocks once you near the side. W at ch out for the h at ches in the ground which house hidden enemies, and stick to the right as you begin to head up. About halfway up you will have to defend against a deluge of enemies, which is made very. Japanese stop com ing. Once in range of the machine guns in the caves above, throw a smoke grenade to provide. You should then be able to get to the top and into the tight cylindrical cave without too much trouble.
At the top of. It leads back outside into a grassy area with a. Collect more s at chel charges if needed, before heading past the. This houses the bunker we need to get at and destroy. Again, smoke is the way to. Once you push up to the bunker. With the insides clear, throw some s at chel charges in using left trigger then deton at e them right trigger. Th at. Cross over the area and head down the p at h to meet up with some more allies.
This is where the card is. Push up to the sandbag barricades as quickly as possible after this. Shoot up at the enemies in the undergrowth on. Head up. Set of f a smoke grenade just like last time, push up to the bunker, and flame them out. Finish the job with s at chel. You can find more s at chel charges at the corner of the bunker wall from. Move back down the hill with the bunker destroyed. W at ch for Japanese riflemen in a hill opposite, and begin to.
Smoke isn't essential this time as you are climbing up with a steep angle and the. Regardless, use the flame and s at chel tactics. Rendezvous with Roebuck by the entrance to the building up on the hill to the left of the bunker we just took out.
Follow him as you join up with some friendly tanks. Stay with it but at a safe i. Drop back and flame the grass around you, using the radar to loc at e Banzai and normal enemies. Take cover behind the rock and use your rifle to try and pick of f some of the enemies in the large bunker on the hill.
Follow the track to the left, through the various rocky outcrops and objects. There are plenty of Banzai and long. You should pass under a bridge at which point you.
Head up to the ridge following this and. W at ch out for an enemy as you turn the first corner, then move deep inside. Flame your way through the tunnels. There are enemies in the room at the top, though you should be able to climb up and ready.
Torch your way through this floor and up the ladder to the next. Shoot through the. In the final area stay in the bottom left corner and pick of f the enemies by the w at erfall and in the rest of the room.
TIP: R at her than take the dangerous but direct ladder route to surprise the enemy, you can take the p at h by the. The final ladder at the back of this room which leads to the very top of the bunker is surrounded by enemy soldiers. You need to have your flamethrower equipped ready and spin in a circle while firing as soon as you reach the top to. TIP: On harder difficulties there are more enemies at the top, but nothing the flamethrower can't deal with. This dram at ic and daring assault on Shuri Castle is the final mission for the US campaign.
Follow your team underne at h the burning arch and to the supply drop. Quickly pick up the Browning and Scoped. Springfield and then head for the left hand wall. Take out as many as you can before the snipers begin picking you.
Shoot the snipers out of the trees and then sprint up the p at h to. Drop down inside the tunnel and force your way through. Use the Browning to take out the first few Japanese who.
Push on past their table and climb the ladder at the end. The ominous objective to 'Assault. Shuri Castle' will appear and th at 's just wh at we need to do. Move along the wall and you'll get at tacked by a number of Banzai units. Take them out and concentr at e on getting. This should trigger a checkpoint and is a wel com e relief so as to avoid the tricky start to this.
Take out any distant enemies you can see from the bottom of the wall particularly the mounted. Use smoke grenades to cover the move forwards, but w at ch out for the h at ches th at open, sending at tackers in your. TIP: Once you have elimin at ed the occupants of the h at ches you can then use them for your own cover. Once in a. Use your sniper rifle from inside the foxhole pictured below to take out as many enemies as you can, then push up.
Again, w at ch out for Banzai holes th at may activ at e as you move. Fall back to your own hole if. Head straight up the middle, vaulting over the concrete objects and using the next one forward as cover.
Head right. As soon as you com e out of the small corridor underne at h the arch turn right and cover behind the object there. It shouldn't be long before. Use the ornamental pond and its surrounding scenery further. Once you start heading down, claustrophobia might set in; this is a very compact place, and numerous foes will try blocking your path. Be prepared to use your Melee Attack whenever necessary. Optionally, you may run all the way to the bottom, break out your Flamethrower, and spray fire in an arc from your left to your right.
This can actually kill the vast majority of foes, but may also result in your death, so a more cautious approach is advised. After you've cleared out the first batch of foes, keep your Flamethrower out. Its short range is excusable in these close quarters, and it can quickly eliminate anyone that gets in your face.
Progress northward until you climb a staircase, and then prepare to be ambushed from the southeast. You can either take cover and kill the enemies from afar, or you can charge ahead and burn them; it's up to you.
There's another ladder in the east corner of the room. Before you climb to its top, prepare yourself, as Japanese soldiers will start firing on you the moment you get there. Have your Flamethrower at the ready to quickly take care of them, then switch to a more traditional gun and prepare for long-range combat. Fight your way through the murky room, then walk up to the next ladder on its southwest side.
Don't climb it yet. Make sure you have your Flamethrower equipped before you ascend to the top, as three soldiers will start firing upon you execution style the moment you're spotted. They'll be on your left east side, so kill them quickly.
Last Edited: 6 Feb am. Was this guide helpful? YES NO. In This Wiki Guide. Call of Duty: World at War throws out the rulebook of war to transform WWII combat through a new enemy, new tactics and an uncensored experience of the climatic battles that gripped a generation.
Release Date. Set in suburban Chicago in the late s, the story centers on ten-year-old Jake Doyle's Fegley herculean quest to get the latest and greatest video game system for Christmas. The film is based on the novel by Kevin Jakubowski. The executive producers are Kevin Jakubowski and Whitney Brown.